Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Six Seconds Since

Seconds will slip away, unraveling from the favor of the present much like the curling, vaporous whisks of condensed breath escaping from between his concave furrow of chapped lips, ephemeral exhalations quickly vanishing from existence, diverted by the early morning’s easy easterly blow to course elsewhere, to neutralize from the nineties and assimilate with universality, to blend as the autonomous exchanges of purpose for that continuous effort to define reason (or is re-define or re-discover or defy or more so, illusory mirages of each?) amongst life vanishing into the trailing slipstream of reality like the backwash of the wave his planted feet are now shifting and sinking softly within, essentially escaping from somewhere to elsewhere, physically, in time and sand-covered space, seawater and spray, but more so mentally, behind the guise of half-opened eyes and thoughts contained within a wrap of dry, wind-taut cold skin, a kinetic energy returning seaward to where perceptions of all else have originated and so return to remain forever kinetic as though that very millisecond of thought he just thought, that swirling and sinuous inspiration as mesmerizing in beauty and subliminal in self-rooted-recognition as dawn’s witnessed creeping cast of color served to impress one mortal man’s immortalized imagination, those affected brushstrokes upon the soul, spewed trailing and twisting, spiraling and sweeping, bending and blending, as though the ossified oils conjured and frozen for all time for all to see like van Gogh’s The Starry Night have in his mind depicted a masterpiece of Nature’s impression-able, impossible to imagine any more immaculately impactful in immortal image as Her impermanent Inspiration of a Splash of Time.  This breath and blink of time, growing to flower in grafted scions of seconds, born of a bearing impression, germinates the soulful seed of this awestruck angler. 
My rigid and austere accomplice has endured once more, resisting submission to a countenance of everlasting curvature.  A line tension unyielding to slackness.  An eventuality yielding the crushed-barb hook-set, now un-set, from her creasing cortege of cartilage as nothing more than a sharpened, dangling placidity, static, awaiting aerial course and aqueous trial by its regulated, fibrous staff of potential, but again, I arise from a squatting observation of ease to stand upright within the shallow, seething blanket of foamy water rushing back eastward over the smoothened and striated runnels of carved, coarse sand and pebbles, racing towards the building curl of an oncoming wave, one having been brave enough to charge free from these mysterious depths of uncertainty, splashing wildly upward and turbulently encircling my firmly-set footing with the forceful influence of a schoolyard bully’s provoking shove, hissing below my bloated smile, inciting a sudden flash of mental and environmental alertness as she asserts, yes, I feel you here, just as I have now made you aware of me.  Her invitation to feel uncreated.  Familiarized with the unfamiliar.  Her assertion to become less unreal, and more realAnother kind of alive.  Six seconds after coming to terms with the realization of what just was.  What is now gone, returned to the unseen vastness of the sea.  Of the hook-sinking fate that may await after the next thrust of my finned-prize’s tail, one that may be her last exhibition of glory before becoming the principal ingredient to the chemical involvement of another being’s metabolism.  As energy forever flowing in motion.  As energy enveloped in a fatal transformation.  As matter, neither created nor destroyed, but altered from fusiform form.  Nevertheless, not a matter of conservation, for she will forever be gone.  Her stripes stripped of form.  Gone to become the building blocks of life in another, adenosine triphosphate, but I don’t need-a-seen the trip of its fillet-fate.  I just know.  It’s inevitable.  The complications of the two coexisting.  Her impulses to feed.  Her hunger to strike.  His impulse of hunger to cast.  Man, the stalking, ever-present dealer of death, the imposter devising for her decided destruction, poses to pitch and immerse his imitable, plastic offerings of wounded prey.  He is the otherwise indistinguishable embodiment of impending doom lurking from above the fatal fringes of her watery ceiling retrieving rolling rattles or baiting Bunker bodies or trolling lured dredges or sieging sudden surrender with seins of scooping, championing Saxatilicide, achieving esteemed status as the slayer of Morone Saxatilis.  For him to find harvested, oven-baked and pan-seared succulence or gaudy showmanship of trophy, an egotistically-inspired carnage and catharsis of conservancy by means of Pisciphilocide (or, love of killing fish) committed in the dragging of drying caudal tails over sand and pavement, the gripping hoist of gill plates, the closing of crammed coolers, the evisceration of body cavities, the snapping of spines and the callous carving of cartilaginous carcasses, upon which discarded, severed heads, whose glassy and wide-open, wizen, golden-colored eyes are disjointed from tamed tails upon the inky, open pages of section A’s five-day-old entrail-sodden editorials.  Extra! Extra! Read all about it! exclaim the words from her unseasoned obituary.  Her purging extirpation from elegantly existing as a principle ingredient to the memory and moment of Nature.  I read this daily news.  I know of the flesh-war waged upon her every seasonal whereabout.  The mounting struggle for equilibrium until there is equilibrium no more.  This metamorphosis of momentum, unstoppable as the wind is to open palms and cupped fingers held outright against an oncoming, onshore breeze.  As unstoppable as tomorrow’s inevitable sunrise, and as cheated in one’s anticipation of viewing such a fiery glow bleed in color across the dawning sky when it is otherwise obfuscated and obscured by drawn curtains of bloated, blackened clouds ominously stalled upon the horizon instead.  This evaporation of what is now from the flowing stream of time, the vaporizing pool of potential ever-increasingly disappearing in what remains of this season’s fleeting continuum of fortuity and of limited time and tail and tide.  Gone, yes, but never entirely purged from the churning metabolism of my own memory.
It is said that Nature abhors a vacuum.  She suffers a fear of emptiness.  And should not Her most capable and intelligent descendants fear an empty sea?  Or do his repeated acts alone speak for themselves, selfish, and without depth of conscience?  As one pair of eyes see, it is the ship of mankind whose piercing bow carelessly slices over the charity of Her back, disrupting the fragile reflections of harmony cast upon Her surface, rearing ripples of ruinous repercussion, while setting a stormy sea of uncertainty in his wake.  Entropy may be of Her own creation and accord, but in the perfectly-arranged composition that is Her unsurmountable, unsurpassable magnum opus sprouting the symphonious sounds of the living, Her swimming swarms of fellow brothers and sisters will never be left willingly in abandon, blinded by a blankness of white nothingness, for there shall always exist, for all conceivable eternity, the fertile touches of their dearest Mother, in all colors curing.  There is always the recurring promise, the heal of Her hope, of mature masses migrating, scores of schoolies schooling, the annual lengthening of lateral lines layered on the brooding classes of bruising brawlers, the growing rewards of Her perpetuating fecundity.  Of a saltwater-brined future yet unwritten, a telling tide yet unrisen.  Of a wet-sand-slapping, truncate-tail yet to radiate as this fisherman’s sweeping tale, somewhere and sometime before a sunrise yet unborn.  A day yet to awaken one man’s dreams in stretching hues reddened and breathing to mirror the pulse of life in her image. 
So I plead, dear son, that you be sure to always look further, broadening the shores of your mind, but also do your best to eye nearer, ever closer, to wash over this world of mine with that drifting gaze of your calculated curiosity, just as my surging tide too rushes over the migrant presence of your found-feet towards higher ground, prying, as if to feel with my fluid touch just who this is before me, where we both happen to explore this mutual acceptance of what is, here, now, during this thin sliver of time we share, fostered within this shower of the breathing tide, for my forthcoming light-of-life unhurriedly emerging before your staring eyes is something greater than that which may ever be attributed with a certain physical existence, one as simply instinctually-driven and corporal as your own.  Remember, dear child, that above all else, what you are is the sum of who I already am and have always been, she hints from a pouring of abounding breath.
The eternity of my voice will always be.  I will always be here, timeless, roaring, waiting.  Inescapable to your soul and unavoidable to your sight.  My thundering heartbeat, ubiquitously alluring, will never ebb further than the harbor of your own mind, as haunting as the murmuring resonance heard from the spiraling depths of a knobbed welch held close to your ear.  So I will whisper this more, for I know you regard the unfailing sounds of reflection I shell-out.  Know that what I am is greater than that which you seek the striped-body of, the familiar, dignified odorous residue of what you may praise as an exalted morning from the suds of my surf, of fish-slime glazed upon your dampened palms, of wet and sticky sand granules adhered to the inside lengths of your chilled, pruning fingers, or the flaky, translucent proof of small, cycloid-shaped scales donated upon the connected angler’s sleeve, your own, those noticed only after his benevolent revival of my otherwise finned-sacrifice writhes and wiggles wildly to vanish from sight under a concealing cloak of foam, the pride of this angler’s collagenous souvenir, his bonus brooch, may it serve as mindful evidence of the fragile living pulse pumping and surging forward, enduring everywhere, gliding with the every tidal motion in which I rise and fall, beating and coursing within this salty soma of mine, the very element you now see swelling to life with each repeated cast by the growing flame of an effervescent effusion coaxing chromatic change.  So I am…
And so the penetrating renewal of morning solicits for his sight, outpouring in prominence to pass into the permanence of his mind’s eye.  Elevated in stance and renewed in esteem, he stirs from a drifting daze to cast aside these perturbing perceptions of a piscatorial pessimism.  Behold! For the shining stripes of her glistening contour reflect the glow of a growing orange orb of optimism, one rising from the reaches of darkness to slather both with the conspiring seconds of time for which they are held frozen.  Both, awash in a light and life, ascending.  He invites the lineaments of her image to rest alight in the longevity that is a reeling remembrance mounted upon the wall of his mind, alongside her many kin who have all come before.  Who must all come before, after all have been left to go, released in form to stream within her tides of favor.  Those torrents of time which have all favored him so generously.  The whip of a cast revives a pause from the present, and so, his perpetuity of purpose.  The surf, smashes at his feet.

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