Thursday, April 2, 2020

Attention Anglers 2020

It’s as if the “unsinkable” year of 2020, while steaming forward of its steadfast wake, one left over a decade wide in advancing untold economic growth and personal prosperities, suddenly collided course with an unseen obstacle, shuddering the lives of billions as this vessel of everyday innocence suddenly and ominously halted way, and if not in some manner immediately, slowly yet surely, began listing.  And while this hazard was not nearly as recognizable as the perceivable threat of a mountainous iceberg to the approach of a ship underway, to an absolute contrary, some undetectable body in the form of a microscopic virus jeopardizes to capsize the health and well-being of humanity just the same.  Lives are suddenly, and literally, at stake in this overwhelming current of distress. 

Global infection of individuals has surpassed 1.38-million positive cases, with nearly 380,000 in the U.S. and as of this writing, 2,545 in Monmouth County, NJ (my county of residence).  As such, The NJ Fish & Game website, out of an “abundance of caution” (the COVID-19 catch-phrase in advocating sound public policy) has linked to their homepage a social distancing advisory poster seen below.  Clearly, there exists no stretch of open beach, or edge of pond, however distant or remote, where the proximity (within 6-ft?) of a neighboring angler makes such remoteness of outdoor sporting destination any less uncertain of viral risk than grasping a retail business's door handle or supermarket's shopping basket during these unprecedented times of pandemic the world, and likely your hometown, is at once plagued.  With no therapeutics to alleviate ailments of infection, or a vaccination to prevent infection, government has made it abundantly-clear as to their intentions in mitigating the spread of this coronavirus – steering clear of others.  Everywhere. 

Let’s all hope for the best.

April 3, 2020 - "Consistent with Governor Murphy's orders that all New Jerseyans practice social distancing in order to limit the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), anglers must fish alone or with immediate family members and cannot fish in groups of any size (no matter how small), either on land or by boat. A minimum six-foot social distance between anglers must be maintained at all times.  Anglers MUST NOT congregate in parking areas, boat ramps or at popular fishing locations. Conservation Police Officers, New Jersey State Park Police, and DEP staff are actively monitoring our parks and natural areas to ensure that individuals enjoying our natural resources are maintaining social distance. Any groups encountered will be instructed to disperse to maintain social distance, and if they do not comply, tickets will be issued by law enforcement."

2020 NJ recreational minimum size, possession limits and seasons.  Take note: Striped Bass regulation is 1-fish per angler, measured 28" to less than 38".  Bluefish harvesting for the private/shore angler has been reduced (FINALLY) to 3-fish, no minimum size.  

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